Saturday, October 18, 2008

Memory Lane


The Estacada Rangers won last night and are off to play for the conference championship over the next two weeks. Congratulation Rangers.

I had an interesting night last night. My nephew Grant and his wife Maryellen invited us to go to the local football game, Woodmore v Lakota. Several things were interesting. Woodmore is now a consolidation of Woodville (wife Jacquie graduated from WHS) and the next town over Elmore both small towns in NW Ohio as is my alma mater, Gibsonburg just a few miles in the other direction. The game was played at the stadium in Elmore . . . . same field that I played on in 1961 as a junior.

I remember the game clearly. It was a game where I truly felt sorry for the opposition as we moved the ball at will and the DB I was blocking on the option was going to get knocked down again. They were really overmatched.

Remember, you can see the old coach play at I played center and DT on that those teams.

The reason for the invite to the game was that the Ohio State University Marching Band - that they refer to around here as "The best damn band in the land" was performing at the game. WOW! Seems that the assistant director of bands is a Woodmore grad; they were on their way to Lansing for the OSU/MSU game today and they have a practice of doing this from time to time at Friday night lights at high schools fields.

My first football memory was Dad taking us to an Ohio State game at the 'shoe" around 1954 and the band performed script Ohio. Guess what? They did double Script Ohio last night and the memories flooded back. The band looks the same, sounds the same and performs the same as always. Tradition and Pride are great and truly important.

Another thing that makes the band unique is that it is all brass, no woodwinds or reed instruments; 28 tubas, awesome.

What is your first football memory? What memory would bring the memories flooding back for you?



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