Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good morning America! It's Friday - Game Day!! Friday is my Favorite Day!!!

Good Luck to all with your games this week. KSA!!!

Beautiful weather for football here in Ohio. Indian Summer is in full force. Talked to a coach today who is in his first year - first stint as head coach - 7-0 and a great chance at the playoffs. Add to that, they will move into a new building at the Holiday break. That means a new weight room.

One thing that he attrributes this success to: Squats and Power Cleans. Great to hear of a young coach who knows 'the secret.'

Sadly, the room is smallish. Sadly, he will have to bring over some outdated equipment that is perhaps close to 20 years old. Sadly, even after we had contacted the district numerous times over the past 18 months, the administration 'designed' the equipment layout in the room. The major feature? Cardio equipment for the faculty.

What is the matter with people? They certainly would never do that for textbook adoption in math, science, English or Social Studies.

Here we are, the leading company in the business offering to help them design their room to match the needs of their program and no response till this new coach comes on the scene and contacts me via the quote of the day email.

To top it off, the administration is going with 'low bid' cardio equipment. Those junior high students will have it trashed in less than two years.

Maybe the administration will listen then.

Hey Martin - the 'adminitraitors strike again!'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you coach! Fortuantely we are currently enjoying a supportive new Principal and I haven't had to use my "administaitor" line for a while. I'll keep my fingers crossed. It's amazing what a new person with a better attitude can do for the morale of a school. Hey we won again last evening 47-18 to up our record to 6-0. Things are getting tougher however the next 3 weeks of the season. We've got Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend but I was out scouting today and will practice on Monday (the holiday) with a terrific group of young men!

later Coach!