Tuesday, December 16, 2008

63-63-63: My number in football was 63; I graduated from high school in 1963; Today I turn 63! Man, where has the time gone. There's been a great deal of water flow under the bridge during that time.

As they used to say on TV, "Let us return now to those thrilling days of yester yerar" look at the old coach playing football back there in the 60s (the video is part of a company promo to help coaches with film exchange). I played center on offense and defensive left tackle-what do you think? I recently ran into a classmate who said, "You look good enough to put on the pads and lay Friday night" - I think not:

To see this video, go to www.maxcast.com/FREEBchronicles. Since we have another video posted on the Streak Pass, we had to take this vid down off this site.

I am reminded of the old joke, "Life is like a roll of toilet paper - the closer to the end you get, the faster it goes.

Here we are, a week before Christmas (wasn't Labor Day just a couple of weeks ago?), I have done very little thinking about Christmas, much less bought any presents . . . of course, I have always been one of those guys who hit the store on Christmas Eve to shop. How 'bout you?

Dad lived to be 92 while some of the same afflictions that he passed on to me, and we have much better medical technology than back in the 50s when he went under the knife. So I'm figuring to stay around for a few more decades.

We will keep the web pages going, and I am staying very busy with BFS. I have four gigs in JAN: CA, MO, and two in OR.

Plus trying to keep pace witht he 11 grandchildren in four different states will keep you on your toes.

You all keep on Being An 11!



Anonymous said...

Congrats Coach on your birthday. It seems that you are a wealthy person. Meaning you have a great family and great health. Thank you for sharing the old footage of your playing days. Its fun to see what is was like back in the day. I can only hope to live a full life like yours and have an impact on as many people like you have.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday Freeb! I am enjoying the blog and look at it every day. Keep up the good work!