Friday, November 14, 2008


Here is the CREED that the football players formulated for their season that came out of that Breakaway Camp:


AS Rangers WE:

  • Always remember why we are here;
  • Give all we have on the field;
  • Play every play like it's our last play ever;
  • Come ready to persevere;
  • Fight through adversity;
  • Stand strong as a team against all challenges;
  • Arrive ready to work;
  • Play our guts out and leave absolutely no doubt.

Fame and glory will not distract us. We keep our eye single to the glory of the Championship Dream. Our Pride shines throughout the whole town. Make our opponents remember : They played the Rangers! KSA! KSA!! KSA!!!

They came up with this on their own. Coaches had no input . . . other than I did have to correct some English errors.

We made lockers posters for their team and school locker doors; had a 'signing ceremony' emphasising the important of giving your word; posted a large sized copy after everyone signed in the locker for all to see every day; made wallet sized copies to carry around (I still have mine); and we would stand together and "Read the CREED" as the last thing we would do before going out on the game field.




Anonymous said...

This is awesome. How do you set the Creed up? Do you go through the goals first and then have them write the Creed after? I'm curious to know the format of the meeting. Thanks for your help.

CoachFreeb said...

Like in church, the CREED is a statement about who you are and what you are up to.

It's an overarching statement about the team and purpose.

Showing the clip from Gladiator and then carrying on a discussion about who he was, and what he was up to gives the kids an idea about the direction they should go.

YOu could also show other clips: like Rocky; or the scene at the end of 'Cool Runnigs"; or perhaps from Hoosiers; or Rudy; or Remember the Titans; or . . . what motivational movies does it for you. Everyone has their favorites.

Every year there is a new team and you could write a new CREED every year and you could show a different clip from a different movie every year.