Sunday, January 22, 2012


Whatever It Takes
by CoachFree

I am successful because I set clearly defined Goals and develop a detailed
Plan to accomplish those Goals. I focus on my Goals through daily reaffirmation. I discipline myself through Positive Self Talk. I master those FUNdaMENTALS necessary to succeed. I give timely, unqualified Effort in executing the Plan. I sacrifice Whatever Is Necessary to accomplish my Goals. I condition myself mentally and physically to Keep On Keeping On. I take Pride in what I do and who I am.

No matter how long it takes;
No matter how hard it is;
No matter how much it costs;
No matter what you personally have to sacrifice;
Do whatever is necessary . . .
To achieve your goals!

Too often people in our society, especially teenagers, today do not understand the concept of time management. The number of hours that are awarded to the homeless person down the street do not differ from Bill Gates who is just a little further down the street in Redmond, WA at Microsoft. It is how we manage each of the hours that are given to us each day that determine how far up the ladder of success we will climb.

Too often as Anthony Robbins says, " . . . we get so 'caught up' in making a living (or whatever happens to be the current fad) that we forget to design a life." Too many people get "caught up" in the current most happen'en thing that they forget to put their own success first. Remember: If you do not Crusade for your own success, who will? The many, many success stories from all walks of life and circumstances dramatically illustrate what is attainable.

We have to put our own success first, however, if it is ever going to be achieved. It is useless to dream the impossible dream if we do not translate that dream into first realistic, attainable, achievable goals and a plan "to make it happen." We need to have long term goals to maintain our focus and overcome short term adversities. Additionally, we need to break those long term goals down into seasonal, monthly, weekly and daily goals so that there is something we can do everyday to take another step in the achievement process. Knowing that there is something that we can do right now, today, to make our BIG DREAM come true should provide the motivation to help jump start the process and the day.

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