Friday, September 17, 2010

$17,000 Tax Credit Program

A teaching couple, married filing jointly, can easily have an adjusted gross income of $125,000 and pay monthly taxes of @ $2,000, $24,000 a year; that’s $24K of your hard earned money taken away with no return.

The RaPower3 Renewable Energy Credit Program, made possible by the Recovery Act, puts that money to work for you. Instead of paying $24,000, this average couple would receive an IRS Refund Check next FEB of $17,456 AND have an increase in take home pay of $2,400/year. Bottom line is:

• Congress allows ‘earmarking’ federal income taxes toward developing renewable energy systems
• No need to make monthly tax payments if the federal tax you expect to owe after withholding and credits is less than $1,000
• RaPower3 Program drastically reduces tax liability
Bottom line figures are:

TAX CREDITS $ 16,200
Depreciation Adjustment to Income $27,540
Produces a Tax Reduction of $ 7,256
Take Home Pay Increase $ 2,400
IRS REFUND: $ 17,456

So instead of paying the IRS $24,000, you get a $200 a month raise and an IRS Refund Check in FEB of $17,456. That’s a $40,000 turnaround!

In addition, there are additional benefits that enrollment into the RaPower3 Renewable Energy Program brings. Respond to this email and I will send you a report on how the numbers are achieved.

Of course, if you are not a teaching couple, we can structure a program that produces similar results for your specific situation.

Also, the RaPower3 Energy Credit Program can be structured to help establish an endowment for your extra curricular program.


Roger Freeborn, RaPower3/BFS National Director
Cell: 503.312.2138 – 800.628.9737 ex 603

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