Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Subtracting Negative Thinking

Subtracting Negative Thinking

Everytime you turn on the TV or read news online, we are bombarded with negatives about the economy- -home sales are down, gas prices are up, consumers are spending less, etc. Yes, people are feeling squeezed but many people are still prospering and growing their businesses and starting new initiatives.

All of us know people who always have a negative spin on things and belong to the "ain't it awful club" and they are on a roll these days as well. Then there are our own fears and limitations that can spark a negative litany of grim thoughts in our own heads too.

There may be unresolved confidence issues, old family scripts, or tough times personally. All of these stimuli can rob us of our creative ideas of possibility and promise. If our head is too filled with negative talk, there is not room enough for the exploration of our fascinations, creative experiments, new relationships, and adventures. While we need to deal with the realities of our lives, we need a sacred space in our mind that fertilizes creative thoughts and positive thinking.

So how do we protect ourselves? We must be vigilant about subtracting negative influences and replacing them with positive life choices and growth enhancing thoughts. Therefore we need strong filters to sift through the media downers and the people who want to play in a negative space. Here are some strategies to help:

1) Collect positive words and quotations and read them regularly.

2) Make a treasure map of what you want to create in your life--be as specific and visual as possible about what kinds of clients you want, relationships you want, experiences you want. Post it where you can meditate on it daily.

3) Practice a technique called "thought stopping"-- when you get a negative thought you don't want, erase it from your mind. This takes practice but works. Replace it with a pro-active thought that supports your vision of life.

4) Avoid negative people and news whenever you can. Meditate daily on your connection to the planet and all the people on Earth and the goodness in the world.

5) Lastly, put your energy into changing what you can in your life and the lives of others. Focus on improving things and making a contribution of your creative presence in the world. Join the folks who believe they can institute positive change in the world and don't waste their valuable time focusing on the negative. You can subtract the negative from your life by actively solving your problems and the problems of others with passion and integrity and joy.


Anonymous said...

I recently lived with a negative person for the past year and a half. It was really hard to stay positive when I would go home and hear this person complain about everything (especially when the election was going on). I found my self walking around with a bad attitude about everything which made other people around me not happy. It was a miserable time.

I have been fortunate enough to get out of the situation and move to a different house, but what happens for those people who can't get out of the situation as tip #4 suggests? What if the negative person is one of your family members?

I would also add a suggestion to the 5 listed. Put your faith and trust in Jesus. Cast all your burdens and fears on Him and He will give you a peace that passes all understanding.

CoachFreeb said...

It does say 'whenever you can" so the idea is that WHEN you have the chance or opportunity, go for it. Life is a game of choices that determine destiny. One of the words I have had to learn over time is 'eventually.' Eventually, the opportunity will come. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later.
If you are in an 'always later' situation, perhaps you need to take a really long hard look at what life lessons are being repeatedly placed in your life that you may not be learning like you should.
One thing I do know is that life will present lessons for you to learn and that if you do not pay attention . . . lessons WILL BE repeated until learned.