Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rebound Rules: The Art of Success 2.0

That's the title of Rick Pitino's new book. I read most of it on the plane to Ohio today. It is really good. Filled with lots of info on how he does it.

One of the the topics he talks about is the PHD Attitude. In his former book, also good, Success is a Choice, he said that he looks for people with a PHD Attitude: Poor Hungry & Driven. Here in the new book he talks about his players, many of whom are headed to the NBA did not like all his references to poor. So in the new book he has changed it to Passion.

You have to have Passion for what you are doing or else you will wind up going through the motions. And that does not get the job done.

Personally, for the high school coach, especially one who is trying to 'Turn it Around' I like Poor better. Poor because they are not rich in victories or Championships. That makes them Hungry for more. And because they are so hungry, they are passionate to get the job done. So passionate is part of it right?

But once again, it goes back to Attitude. And Attitude is a Choice. It's a choice we make everyday.

Charlie "Tremendous" Jones, says the only difference between where you are now, and where you will be 10 years from now, are the people you meet (and associate with), the books that you read, and I would add the Dreams that you Dream.

This is a good book for coaches to read.

What about those kids you have in school that do not like to read . . . have never read a book from cover to cover? BFS CEO and founder Greg Shepard put together stories collected from doing thousands of clinics over a 30 year time period into a story: Dream The Biggest Dream. It is a story about a coach, a team and a season. It is a great story - a page turner. Kids who have never read a book in their life, read this book in less than three days; and then bring it back to you and ask, "You got any more books like this? I want to read them."

You can order the book from BFS at

My recommendation is that you get the book and give it to a returning senior leader to read. After he has read it, sign it in the back and date it. Then have him give it to a classmate who would in turn read, sign and pass it down the line. It's a great motivational story and can start a fire in the heart and soul of the team.

CAUTION: If you start to read it before you hand it over to the team, Be prepared to stay up all night - you just can't put it down.



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