Believe that everything you deserve will
Eventually come your way.
You won’t have to grab for it.
You won’t have to force it.
It will simply catch up to you,
... Drawn along in the jet stream,
The forward motion of your hard work.
Pat Riley
There is no substitute for hard work. Hard work makes dreams come true. Everyone dreams of striking it rich in the lottery, winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, or scoring big in Vegas. But there are precious few of us who actually know someone who has had such luck much less win ourselves. The fact of the matter is that this country has been built with a tremendous amount of everyday, old fashioned work.
Everything you deserve will eventually come your way; drawn along in the jet stream of your hard work. Or, everything you deserve will eventually come your way due to your lack of work. I inform my students every year that, “If you do the work, I’ll take care of the grade, and if you don’t do the work, I’ll still take care of the grade.”
The fact of the matter is that the more you work, the better prepared you are, the more you have practiced and honed your skills, the better you will be able to perform and you will get more of the results you are seeking. If you are mentally prepared, better conditioned, stronger, more skillful than your opponent, what will be the results most of the time?
How do you know if what you have done is enough? When you get the results you are looking for; when you have reached and surpassed your stated goals, then you will know what it takes. You will have done enough, and as Vince Lombardi stated, “Each Sunday, after the battle, one group savors victory; another lives in the bitterness of defeat. The practice and the hard work of the season seem a small price for having won. For the loser there must be one hundred percent determination and dedication to win next time.” Until that moment of achievement, you have to operate on the faith and belief that what you are doing is moving you closer to what you desire. If you are not getting the results you are seeking, you must redouble your efforts and work harder at those skills which will take you over the top.
by CoachFree
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