Reading you keys will put you into position to make the play faster than any other single activity you can do. Many offenses will go out of their way to “fake you out” with great backfield maneuvers. If you stay disciplined and “read your keys,” you will beat them with your brains and abilities.
The basic key for DB’s is the end-tackle-near back to your side of the formation. The end is your primary and first responsibility. If he releases for pass you must get to your pass responsibility ASAP and play the receiver in your area if we are in zone coverage. If the end blocks on the line of scrimmage, you are to execute your run support responsibility ASAP. If you do, you will be in position to make the tackle or turn the play in to the coming pursuit.
It cannot be stressed enough that reading your keys will put you into position to make the play better than anything you can do. Proper reading of your keys will lead you to success.
The following four situations are the ones you will see 95% of the time. Practice at reading your keys will enable you to react at ever faster times and put you into better position to make the play. Read and react to the following situations as fast as you can.

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