by Jerry Clark
I'm about to make a statement that I think may shock some of you� In other words, it will sound a bit esoteric and I know that I don't get too esoteric in these Rhino Tips often� However, I am simply compelled to write this statement because it just came to me this morning as I was doing my morning "Think Drive" - which I call my "Round"� I simply wake up in the morning and take a drive around my city and simply THINK� During this mornings' "Round", I had a lot on my mind� Certain questions I had recently posed to myself, and certain decisions I had to make about various issues� One of the decisions was a very challenging one and I had a lot of emotions wrapped up in it� I simply wasn't sure of what I should do even though the answer was quite clear� Have you ever been in that space? Deep down inside you know what to do but you can't quite get yourself to act on that Deep "Inner Knowing"� Well, this decision I had to make was what I call a "Destiny Decision"� In other words, I was conscious of the fact that my decision would drastically impact my entire destiny� But something was communicating to me at a "Deep" level telling me what would be the more empowering decision and I was still "Stuck"� Have you ever been there? Well guess what? By the time I got home, I had realized that the Universe had notice my hesitancy on acting on the somewhat obvious and so it -- The Universe -- decided to Act on Me� Ok, Ok� I know without the specifics, you're pulling your hair (if you got some) saying what is this guy talking about and what does it has to do with me� Ok, here it goes� The Universe arranged itself in a way to allow for no other decision but the one I was hesitating to make happen� Did you get that? In other words, events had happened by the time I got back home that gave me no other choice but to act on what I knew I was supposed to act on all along� With this said, let me now give you the statement that I was compelled to write:
That's right; I believe that the Universe is Conscious� Conscious of your thoughts, your desires, your aspirations, your fears and frustrations, your hopes and wishes� I believe that the Universe is Conscious of you as an individual, and of the part you are to play in the grand scheme of things� I believe that the Universe is Conscious of your Destiny and the path that is truly yours by Divine Right� Oh, Oh, Oh� Jerry "DRhino" Clark didn't just go down the Divine path did he? My dear friends� I've always been down that path; I just don't expose it in words too often� But don't worry, I'm not going to change the name of these tips to "The Divine Rhino Tips" or "Rhino Tips From Beyond" or anything like that� I just know that there are decisions you are faced with right now and you are struggling with figuring out what to do� The point that I'm making is that you already know what to do and whatever that is, is what you are supposed to do� Now don't confuse a Deep "Inner Knowing" with an Emotional Conscious Desire� And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about because I know that you do even though you may be trying not to� It's ok� Just remember that when you're faced with a decision and you think you don't know what to do, you really do know what to do, and even when you still think you don't know what to do, the Universe Knows what you should do so just act on what the Universe Knows instead of what you know and what you always knew would still manifest� (Whew� I know you're going to read that sentence over again.)
Anyway, that's it for now� I just had to express this message to you�
Until next time�
Go, go, go!!
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