Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The Quote of the Day today is:

The Be An 11! Quote of the Day 06.08.2010

Champions choose to accept help from others.

Meier & Hiskey, Winning is a Choice

Question of the Day?

And I would add, especially your coaches;

The question is, Are you Coachable?

Here is a great story about being coachable:

"Coach Schmidt backs up Josh's preparation and confidence factor. Says Schmidt, “It was amazing to watch him operate. His attention to detail and time spent watching game film, is legendary. He'd ask, 'What do we need to do? What do I need to do?' Then he would make a list of everything he needed to do that week to be great...and laminate it. And carry it with him. Josh would always be sitting waiting for me. He would keep you focused because he was so focused. I would have to kick him out of the weight room all the time.
“Josh is always early. His look to me would be . . . 'Are you ready.' He was so dedicated he would literally force everyone to be that way. I remember Josh at two-a-days. The seniors stood up. Josh had tears and said, 'I don't know how we are going to do it but somehow we are going to the Orange Bowl.’”

From the Article:


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