EQuote of the Week:
Without Goals, We leave great accomplishment to chance.
Question of the Week?
How long will you wait to set the new Goal?
How long will you wait to activate the new Plan?
Most of the fall season plays out this week and most of you will put another schedule into the record books. The ending of a season compares to a death in the family. Whatever you had and shared together with your team can never be recaptured. Life goes on. The Highlander movies remind us that, "There can be only one!" When the playoffs end, one champion will be crowned. Lombardi said for all that do not win it, "the only thing left is 100 percent resolution and 100 percent determination" to go to work to win the next time out. All work needs a plan. Every team needs a Goal to strive for. We at BFS recomend that two weeks after your season ends, get your team together, establish the Goal(s), and work to make it happen. Remember, Coach Tom Osborne from Nebraska said that, "75% of winning takes place before practice starts." The sooner you get the goals set and the work started, the better you position your team to compete for the Championship. We conduct a Be An 11 Seminar centered around the Five Power Axioms of Success. I include 11 Points on Being An 11 which center around what I have learned over a four decade coaching career. There are 10% of the teams and programs that are willing to do what it takes, year in - year out, to compete at the top. The purpose of the Seminar is to set the Goal and to develop The Plan on how to make it happen. The great thing about this is that the kids set the goal and everyone, athletes, coaches, administrators, parents -whoever attends - has input on an 11-Step "Plan to Make IT Happen." It's a great way to kickstart what it is going to take to compete in the playoffs next year. Call me 800.628.9737 ex 603 if you want to talk about having one of these Seminars for your team. Also, there is a great "How to set goals" section in our Be An 11 Guidebook For Success which every athlete attending the Seminar gets. You can order your copy at http://www.biggerfasterstronger.com.
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