3. Goals must be specific - They must be measurable. A goal “to get stronger” is not as good as “my goal is to Power Clean 235 pounds or more by next football season.” “We want to have a winning season” is not as good as “Winning the Conference Championship puts us in the best position to challenge for the State Title.”
Having a goal to be “All Conference” or “All State” might be OK for some, but we have no control over how other people are going to vote for these honors. What we do have control over are our skills and abilities. A defensive back who hones his skills, learns his secondary assignments perfectly, develops himself physically and mentally, happens to lead the state in interceptions returning numerous picks for Touchdowns becomes a compelling force that voters just have to vote for. What would the specific numbers be for a running back? How many tackles for a linebacker? How many ‘pancake blocks’ for an offensive lineman? How many kills, blocks, sets for a Volleyball player? How many pins for a Wrestler?
4. Goals must be written down to be most effective. They should be stated in the first person, in the present tense, as though they have already been accomplished.
Not only does it help to have goals written, it also helps to complete a scrapbook of the way it will be once the goal is accomplished. Find colored pictures from magazines that relate to your goal. Paste them into your personal goal scrapbook. Paint yourself into the scenes you have created.
Picture the perfect end result.
These written goals and ‘perfect pictures’ need to be posted where you can see them daily (bedroom mirror, school locker, notebook cover, etc.).
Touch them and audibly say them each day. Visualizing how it is having achieved your goal cements the vision deep into your brain and activates the Goal Achieving Mechanism.
5. Use your BFS/Be11 Max, Resolutions, and Strength Standards Cards to chart your progress. Turn your Strength Standards Card into a Bar Graph by filling up the column under each core lift as it is attained.
6. You must be mentally prepared to discipline yourself to take the necessary action to reach your goals. List the obstacles between you and your goals. formulate an action play for overcoming these obstacles. Identify the people who will help. Set a time table, a schedule for defeating these obstacles.
7. You must be absolutely convinced that you can reach your goals. “You Gotta Believe!” What the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve.
Believe that you are on a collision course with success, the only variable is time.