Sunday, January 31, 2010



by James Ray

"There are only two things you can do with

your time...spend it...or invest it."

We can spend our money and we will always get more. However, if you spend your is gone forever. Consequently, time is more valuable than money. Entrepreneurial thinkers value their time � they know what they are worth and are continuously cautious about how they utilize this precious asset. One of the most common downfalls I observe is with people who want to be six-figure income earners, but they are constantly SPENDING their time on lowleveraged activities. With this kind of behavior, their goals are never going to be achieved. You must know what you are worth and continually ask yourself, "Is the activity I am involved in going to give me a return on my time equal to or greater than my hourly worth?"

Here is an exercise to complete: Take your annual financial goal and divide it by the number of months that you work per year. Now divide that figure by the number of weeks you work per month �the number of days you work per week �and finally the number of hours you want to work per day. You now have your hourly worth per hour based upon where you are headed versus where you are. The key to success in this exercise is to set a financial goal and work back from there.

Let's assume that after this exercise you are worth $100 per hour based on your goal. From this day forward you must ask yourself, "Is what I am doing right now worth $100 per hour? Is it going to give me a $100 return or better on my time investment?" If the answer to either of the questions above is "no," then you should not be involved in the task or activity. This does not mean that it should not be done - just that it should not be done by YOU - or at minimum it should not be done during business generating hours.

How can you delegate, reschedule, or otherwise deal effectively with your "low-leverage" activities? How can you complete them without SPENDING your time to complete them?

Answer these questions, put them into action, and you will see your business and your results skyrocket. You will find yourself involved only with the key activities that will move you in quantum leaps toward your goal!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rose Bowl

Daughter Lindsay and son in law Adam called us at halftime of the Oregon/Oregon State game and said, "It's not often that you can give someone 'THE Perfect Gift." Then they told us they just bought us Tickets to the Rose Bowl. We were going down for the Rose Parade but did not have any tickets to the game and were just starting to poke around to see the possibility of getting some.

Many of you know, we are life-long Ohio State fans living in Oregon and we are very happy to have returned to Oregon with smiles on our faces.

Definitely a once in a lifetime experience. You really do need to go and do it at least once. The Parade is fantastic. Back in the 50s, my mother had a part time job with the local appliance dealer in town. He invited us over to view the Rose Parade on the first color TV in town. Said to myself, it would be neat to go see that one day. It certainly was.

Here we are waving at you - did you wave back?

How do you want to live?

What it takes to be great
Research now shows that the lack of natural talent is irrelevant to great success.
The secret? Painful and demanding practice and hard work
By Geoffrey Colvin

What makes Tiger Woods great? What made Berkshire Hathaway (Charts) Chairman Warren Buffett the world's premier investor? We think we know: Each was a natural who came into the world with a gift for doing exactly what he ended up doing. As Buffett told Fortune not long ago, he was "wired at birth to allocate capital." It's a one-in-a-million thing. You've got it - or you don't.

Well, folks, it's not so simple. For one thing, you do not possess a natural gift for a certain job, because targeted natural gifts don't exist. (Sorry, Warren.) You are not a born CEO or investor or chess grandmaster. You will achieve greatness only through an enormous amount of hard work over many years. And not just any hard work, but work of a particular type that's demanding and painful.

Buffett, for instance, is famed for his discipline and the hours he spends studying financial statements of potential investment targets. The good news is that your lack of a natural gift is irrelevant - talent has little or nothing to do with greatness. You can make yourself into any number of things, and you can even make yourself great.

Scientific experts are producing remarkably consistent findings across a wide array of fields. Understand that talent doesn't mean intelligence, motivation or personality traits. It's an innate ability to do some specific activity especially well. British-based researchers Michael J. Howe, Jane W. Davidson and John A. Sluboda conclude in an extensive study, "The evidence we have surveyed ... does not support the [notion that] excelling is a consequence of possessing innate gifts."

To see how the researchers could reach such a conclusion, consider the problem they were trying to solve. In virtually every field of endeavor, most people learn quickly at first, then more slowly and then stop developing completely. Yet a few do improve for years and even decades, and go on to greatness.

The irresistible question - the "fundamental challenge" for researchers in this field, says the most prominent of them, professor K. Anders Ericsson of Florida State University - is, Why? How are certain people able to go on improving? The answers begin with consistent observations about great performers in many fields.

Scientists worldwide have conducted scores of studies since the 1993 publication of a landmark paper by Ericsson and two colleagues, many focusing on sports, music and chess, in which performance is relatively easy to measure and plot over time. But plenty of additional studies have also examined other fields, including business.

No substitute for hard work
The first major conclusion is that nobody is great without work. It's nice to believe that if you find the field where you're naturally gifted, you'll be great from day one, but it doesn't happen. There's no evidence of high-level performance without experience or practice.

Reinforcing that no-free-lunch finding is vast evidence that even the most accomplished people need around ten years of hard work before becoming world-class, a pattern so well established researchers call it the ten-year rule.

What about Bobby Fischer, who became a chess grandmaster at 16? Turns out the rule holds: He'd had nine years of intensive study. And as John Horn of the University of Southern California and Hiromi Masunaga of California State University observe, "The ten-year rule represents a very rough estimate, and most researchers regard it as a minimum, not an average." In many fields (music, literature) elite performers need 20 or 30 years' experience before hitting their zenith.

So greatness isn't handed to anyone; it requires a lot of hard work. Yet that isn't enough, since many people work hard for decades without approaching greatness or even getting significantly better. What's missing?

Practice makes perfect

The best people in any field are those who devote the most hours to what the researchers call "deliberate practice." It's activity that's explicitly intended to improve performance, that reaches for objectives just beyond one's level of competence, provides feedback on results and involves high levels of repetition.

For example: Simply hitting a bucket of balls is not deliberate practice, which is why most golfers don't get better. Hitting an eight-iron 300 times with a goal of leaving the ball within 20 feet of the pin 80 percent of the time, continually observing results and making appropriate adjustments, and doing that for hours every day - that's deliberate practice.

Consistency is crucial. As Ericsson notes, "Elite performers in many diverse domains have been found to practice, on the average, roughly the same amount every day, including weekends."

Evidence crosses a remarkable range of fields. In a study of 20-year-old violinists by Ericsson and colleagues, the best group (judged by conservatory teachers) averaged 10,000 hours of deliberate practice over their lives; the next-best averaged 7,500 hours; and the next, 5,000. It's the same story in surgery, insurance sales, and virtually every sport. More deliberate practice equals better performance. Tons of it equals great performance.

The skeptics
Not all researchers are totally onboard with the myth-of-talent hypothesis, though their objections go to its edges rather than its center. For one thing, there are the intangibles. Two athletes might work equally hard, but what explains the ability of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady to perform at a higher level in the last two minutes of a game?

Researchers also note, for example, child prodigies who could speak, read or play music at an unusually early age. But on investigation those cases generally include highly involved parents. And many prodigies do not go on to greatness in their early field, while great performers include many who showed no special early aptitude.

Certainly some important traits are partly inherited, such as physical size and particular measures of intelligence, but those influence what a person doesn't do more than what he does; a five-footer will never be an NFL lineman, and a seven-footer will never be an Olympic gymnast. Even those restrictions are less severe than you'd expect: Ericsson notes, "Some international chess masters have IQs in the 90s." The more research that's done, the more solid the deliberate-practice model becomes.

Real-world examples

All this scholarly research is simply evidence for what great performers have been showing us for years. To take a handful of examples: Winston Churchill, one of the 20th century's greatest orators, practiced his speeches compulsively. Vladimir Horowitz supposedly said, "If I don't practice for a day, I know it. If I don't practice for two days, my wife knows it. If I don't practice for three days, the world knows it." He was certainly a demon practicer, but the same quote has been attributed to world-class musicians like Ignace Paderewski and Luciano Pavarotti.

Many great athletes are legendary for the brutal discipline of their practice routines. In basketball, Michael Jordan practiced intensely beyond the already punishing team practices. (Had Jordan possessed some mammoth natural gift specifically for basketball, it seems unlikely he'd have been cut from his high school team.)

In football, all-time-great receiver Jerry Rice - passed up by 15 teams because they considered him too slow - practiced so hard that other players would get sick trying to keep up.

Tiger Woods is a textbook example of what the research shows. Because his father introduced him to golf at an extremely early age - 18 months - and encouraged him to practice intensively, Woods had racked up at least 15 years of practice by the time he became the youngest-ever winner of the U.S. Amateur Championship, at age 18. Also in line with the findings, he has never stopped trying to improve, devoting many hours a day to conditioning and practice, even remaking his swing twice because that's what it took to get even better.

The business side
The evidence, scientific as well as anecdotal, seems overwhelmingly in favor of deliberate practice as the source of great performance. Just one problem: How do you practice business? Many elements of business, in fact, are directly practicable. Presenting, negotiating, delivering evaluations, deciphering financial statements - you can practice them all.

Still, they aren't the essence of great managerial performance. That requires making judgments and decisions with imperfect information in an uncertain environment, interacting with people, seeking information - can you practice those things too? You can, though not in the way you would practice a Chopin etude.

Instead, it's all about how you do what you're already doing - you create the practice in your work, which requires a few critical changes. The first is going at any task with a new goal: Instead of merely trying to get it done, you aim to get better at it.

Report writing involves finding information, analyzing it and presenting it - each an improvable skill. Chairing a board meeting requires understanding the company's strategy in the deepest way, forming a coherent view of coming market changes and setting a tone for the discussion. Anything that anyone does at work, from the most basic task to the most exalted, is an improvable skill.

Adopting a new mindset

Armed with that mindset, people go at a job in a new way. Research shows they process information more deeply and retain it longer. They want more information on what they're doing and seek other perspectives. They adopt a longer-term point of view. In the activity itself, the mindset persists. You aren't just doing the job, you're explicitly trying to get better at it in the larger sense.

Again, research shows that this difference in mental approach is vital. For example, when amateur singers take a singing lesson, they experience it as fun, a release of tension. But for professional singers, it's the opposite: They increase their concentration and focus on improving their performance during the lesson. Same activity, different mindset.

Feedback is crucial, and getting it should be no problem in business. Yet most people don't seek it; they just wait for it, half hoping it won't come. Without it, as Goldman Sachs leadership-development chief Steve Kerr says, "it's as if you're bowling through a curtain that comes down to knee level. If you don't know how successful you are, two things happen: One, you don't get any better, and two, you stop caring." In some companies, like General Electric, frequent feedback is part of the culture. If you aren't lucky enough to get that, seek it out.

Be the ball

Through the whole process, one of your goals is to build what the researchers call "mental models of your business" - pictures of how the elements fit together and influence one another. The more you work on it, the larger your mental models will become and the better your performance will grow.

Andy Grove could keep a model of a whole world-changing technology industry in his head and adapt Intel (Charts) as needed. Bill Gates, Microsoft's (Charts) founder, had the same knack: He could see at the dawn of the PC that his goal of a computer on every desk was realistic and would create an unimaginably large market. John D. Rockefeller, too, saw ahead when the world-changing new industry was oil. Napoleon was perhaps the greatest ever. He could not only hold all the elements of a vast battle in his mind but, more important, could also respond quickly when they shifted in unexpected ways.

That's a lot to focus on for the benefits of deliberate practice - and worthless without one more requirement: Do it regularly, not sporadically.


For most people, work is hard enough without pushing even harder. Those extra steps are so difficult and painful they almost never get done. That's the way it must be. If great performance were easy, it wouldn't be rare. Which leads to possibly the deepest question about greatness. While experts understand an enormous amount about the behavior that produces great performance, they understand very little about where that behavior comes from.

The authors of one study conclude, "We still do not know which factors encourage individuals to engage in deliberate practice." Or as University of Michigan business school professor Noel Tichy puts it after 30 years of working with managers, "Some people are much more motivated than others, and that's the existential question I cannot answer - why."

The critical reality is that we are not hostage to some naturally granted level of talent. We can make ourselves what we will. Strangely, that idea is not popular. People hate abandoning the notion that they would coast to fame and riches if they found their talent. But that view is tragically constraining, because when they hit life's inevitable bumps in the road, they conclude that they just aren't gifted and give up.

Maybe we can't expect most people to achieve greatness. It's just too demanding. But the striking, liberating news is that greatness isn't reserved for a preordained few. It is available to you and to everyone.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Today's Story: 12 Everyday Acts of Courage to Create the Life You Really Want!

By Margie Warrell

1. The Courage to Take Responsibility

Whilst you can't always control your circumstances you can always choose how you will respond to them. No matter what challenges you face you have the power to make the ultimate choice about whether to let the world affect you or to go out and affect the world. Resist the impulse to blame your woes on others but instead to make the decision to own your life and own it fully.

2. The Courage to Live with Integrity

Integrity is the only path in life upon which you will never get lost. Placing integrity at the cornerstone of every decision you make requires a willingness to do what is right above what is convenient or politically expedient. At times this means veering off the safe and comfortable path onto a less traveled one where the risk of failure or disapproval may run high. At other times it calls you to forge your own. At its core, integrity is about wholeness and alignment between your deepest values, what you are doing and who you are being in the world. Integrity calls forth greatness.

3. The Courage to Challenge Your 'Stories'

You do not see the world as it is, but as you are. Too often people live in answers to questions they have never asked and claim a monopoly on the truth. The fact is you do not own the truth, you just own your version of it. Whilst it takes courage to question the assumptions and beliefs you've been living by up until now and opening your mind to alternative perspectives, doing so opens up new possibilities for yourself and your life that you otherwise may never have seen. Ultimately being willing to challenge your stories unleashes you to experience live in a whole new, more exciting and more meaningful way.

4. The Courage to Dream Bigger

You will never be able to have your dream job nor live your dream life unless you first find the courage to dream big enough to identify what it is. Dare to create a vision for your life that is bigger than the one you've had until now in your relationships, your career, and your life in general. Don't let fear keep you from connecting with what it is that inspires you most deeply for the greatest danger is not that your dreams are too lofty and you fail to reach them, but that they are too small and you do!

It is the aim, if reach or not, that makes great the life. Your life is as big as you dare to dream it!

5. The Courage to Be Who You Are

In a world that pressures for conformity it takes courage to be who you are. So express yourself fully and authentically in every relationship and in every encounter you have with others giving up pretending to be more or less or different from who you truly are. When you fail to be authentic you keep from others that which makes you most attractive; when you conform all that you have to offer others is your conformity. Be genuine, humble and, unpretentious but most of all, just be yourself. There is nothing more valuable or attractive.

6. The Courage to Speak Up

Dare to speak up, to give voice to your concerns, your feelings and thoughts and to engage in conversations that you've been hesitant to have before. Don't choose the certainly of never addressing an issue or fulfilling a need over the possibility that you may have an awkward conversation or a request declined. After all, things that aren't talked out get acted out as unfulfilled needs and unresolved resentments fester. Speaking up in ways that honor the dignity of others provides a means of building trust and deepening the quality of the relationships. It also enables others to know who you are, what you need, what you are care about and what you are capable of more clearly.

7. The Courage to Step Boldly into Action

Nothing changes if nothing changes. Have the guts step boldly from your comfort zone to make the changes and take the chances that call you forward to fulfilling the potential within you. Trade procrastination and excuses for a commitment to being a person who is willing to do what it takes to live the life to which they aspire. Whatever the risks you face in your endeavor, the greatest risk is to take none at all. Fear regret more than failure for life always rewards action.

8. The Courage to Persevere

Overcoming the setbacks and failures that present themselves on the way to your goals is what brings the greatest sense of achievement. Face your challenges with a deep determination to staying the course. Resist succumbing to resignation in the face of adversity for any goal worth pursuing will require its share of determination and perseverance. Connect with that which makes your spirit soar and remember that it matters not that you reach the summit, but that you had the guts to try. It is through perseverance in the face of adversity that the ordinary become extra-ordinary.

9. The Courage to Say No

Sometimes we need to say no to the good in order to make room for the great. However finding the guts to say no first requires first being clear about what you most want to say yes to. Doing so will help you to set boundaries in the midst of being pulled simultaneously in conflicting directions and teach people what you will and will not tolerate. Saying no when you need to may never be easy but the price you pay for not doing so far exceeds any momentary discomfort.

10. The Courage to Open Your Heart Fully

Life's richest fulfillment comes from being as open to experiencing life's pain as deeply as its joy. Opening your heart fully to the depths of emotion that a life well lived calls forward takes great courage but it is the only life worth living. By letting down your defenses and making yourself vulnerable to the anguish that life can sometimes bring, you can experience the joy that comes from connecting with others openly, intimately and compassionately. Drop the barriers that are creating distance and isolating you from others, reveal your humanity and make yourself available for others to know, to love, to care for and to connect with. Nothing is more nurturing to the spirit.

11. The Courage to Let Go

As human beings we like to feel in control. However peace of mind only comes through giving your best to life whilst simultaneously detaching yourself from the outcome of your efforts knowing that everything in life has a purpose. Put your faith in the wisdom that created you, know that who you are is not defined by the outcome of your efforts and trust that you have within you all you need at any moment to take on the challenges life presents to you. Giving up resisting what you cannot control and going with, rather than against, the flow of life makes available to living in the present moment. Finding the courage to let go will not impede you ability to achieve what you seek most from life, it will enhance it.

12. The Courage to Be a Leader

Leadership is not a position; it's a choice. Every day you have opportunities to be a leader for the essence of leadership is inspiring people to move in a direction they may otherwise not have gone, to accomplish more than they may otherwise have sought to accomplish and to grow into someone they may otherwise not have become. By choosing the path of integrity, personal responsibility, and courage you will automatically shine your light so brightly that it will reveal to others the majesty of their own. Ultimately only by living with courage yourself and being the leader you are capable of being will humanity, as a collective, find it's courage and lead the world into a future filled with possibility.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Question of the Week?
What Can You Do?

Keep On Keepin' On

If the day looks kinder gloomy

And your chances kinder slim,

If the situation's puzzlin'

And the prospect's awful grim,

If perplexities keep pressin'

Till hope is nearly gone,

Just bristle up and grit your teeth

And keep on keepin' on.

Frettin' never wins a fight

And fumin' never pays;

There ain't no use in broodin'

In these pessimistic ways;

Smile just kinder cheerfully

Though hope is nearly gone,

And bristle up and grit your teeth

And keep on keepin on.

There ain't no use in growlin'

And grumblin' all the time,

When music's ringin' everywhere

And everything's a rhyme.

Just keep on smilin' cheerfully

If hope is nearly gone,

And bristle up and grit your teeth

And keep on keepin' on.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation - 2 Corinthians 5:17 - New Year, New Decade, New Start. Every year is a new beginning, each day is a fresh start. My New Year question for you would be, "What plans do you have for this new decade to 'be a cut above the rest?'" On a Scale from One to Ten, Be An 11!

Bowl Thoughts

Some observations from Rose Bowl wkend: Everything was orchastrated very well, and the people were really very good - a crush of people but 1. It was gratifying to see the Respect they had for the military. When the Marine band marched by, they got a standing ovation as did the remaining Tuskeege Arimen and their float.... When you get away from the media generated view of things and out with the folks - it's different.

2. Coaching point: When Blunt fumbled the ball through the endzone in the 2nd half, it reinforced my belief that trouble makers, even if they have talent, make as many or more critical errors and their good talented moves. They are not consistent. And if you do not effectively deal with things properly the first time, each subsequent time will be at a... See More greater cost. Can't get much bigger cost for Oregon than than the Rose Bowl. I think the Ducks would have been better off with him staying on the bench. The pressure to play him had to be great, but what is the right thing to do? Would James have fumbled the ball at that critical time of the game? We will never know......

3. The Rose Bowl game reaffirmed a basic tenet of mine: IF I were coaching a college team, the first thing I would do is to find the best kicker I could, and then I'd scholarship the best punter I could find. Field position - very important. OR's special teams out played the Buckeyes, but the OSU kicker made all attempts. Can you say BALL GAME?

Do you think Skip Holtz would trade a scholarship form one of those scholarship players on the sidelines for a truly accurate field goal kicker?

4. One of tghe things I learned years ago . . . when it is 3rd and say 8 to go for a first down, the defense needs to UNDER THE OUT ROUTE! In defending the pass, the defense really has 14 defenders. The 11 on defense, both sidelines and the back line of the endzone. Probably the most difficult pass to complete is the out route, especially for a high school quarter back. If you are playing pass defense behind the receiver, you are giving him the out route to the sideline and the QB can gun it out there, throw it a tad short, and you never really have a chance. You are giving them a first down.

When we instituted our 5-under man scheme, the 5 under guys play 'inside and under the receiver and the 2 0r 3 deep people play outside and over the receiver.

We want the inside and under guys to bump the receiver to mess up the timing of the route and stay decidedly inside the receiver on the route.

That means the QB has to place the ball over the under coverage and under the over coverage and inside the sideline. This is very difficult for a quarterback to do - at any level, especially high school. But there we are during the game, playing off the receiver on third down and giving them yet another first down.

We have more 5-under thoughts at other spots on this blog.

5. OSU had the ball on the 4 yard line in the 2nd Qtr - first down. And they get into the shotgun and promply fumble a bad snap, end of drive, settle for FG.

Coaching point for me not ask for trouble by being in the shotgun. Too many things can go wrong. And it did. Get under the center, snap the ball hand off to a power back running off tackle and pound it into the endzone. If you have to, run a play action boot - the ball will be safely palced in the QBs hands and he will not have to field that shotgun stance. Tressel should know better....or should I say the offensive coordinator for the Buckeyes as I do not think Jim is calling all the plays now. At least I hope he is not, there were some real bonehead calls at times during the game.